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Credits: camus the dark knight

Icon Name Mt Wt Hit Rng Rank Worth Uses Effects
Fe4ironsword.gif Iron Sword 6 3 80 1 C 1000 50 -
Fe4steelsword.gif Steel Sword 10 3 80 1 B 3000 50 -
Fe4silversword.gif Silver Sword 14 3 80 1 A 5000 50 -
Fe4ironblade.gif Iron Blade 12 6 60 1 A 2000 50 -
Fe4steelblade.gif Steel Blade 16 6 60 1 A 6000 50 -
Fe4silverblade.gif Silver Blade 20 6 60 1 A 10000 50 -
Fe4prayersword.gif Prayer Sword 12 3 70 1 C 8000 50 Female only, gives Prayer skill
Fe4thiefsword.gif Thief Sword 3 2 50 1 C 1000 50 Gives Steal skill
Fe4barriersword.gif Barrier Sword 10 3 70 1 C 12000 50 Mdf +7
Fe4berserksword.gif Berserk Sword 8 12 70 1 C 10000 50 May inflict berserk status on the enemy
Fe4herosword.gif Hero Sword 12 3 100 1 B 8000 50 Allows 2 consecutive hits
Fe4silencesword.gif Silence Sword 8 12 70 1 C 15000 50 May inflict silence status on the enemy, unused
Fe4sleepsword.gif Sleep Sword 8 12 70 1 C 15000 50 May inflict sleep status on the enemy
Fe4slimsword.gif Slim Sword 8 1 90 1 C 3000 50 -
Fe4defendersword.gif Defender Sword 12 5 90 1 C 12000 50 Def +7
Fe4flamesword.gif Flame Sword 12 5 70 1~2 C 10000 50 Casts Elfire from range
Fe4earthsword.gif Earth Sword 12 5 70 1~2 C 10000 10 Saps HP from enemy, casts Resire from range, negates Big Shield
Fe4thundersword.gif Thunder Sword 12 5 70 1~2 C 10000 50 Casts Elthunder from range
Fe4windsword.gif Wind Sword 12 5 70 1~2 C 10000 50 Casts Elwind from range
Fe4lightsword.gif Light Sword 12 5 70 1~2 C 12000 50 Casts Lightning from range
Fe4mistoltin.gif Mistoltin 30 5 80 1 * 50000 50 Skl +20, Mdf +10, gives Critical skill
Fe4tilfing.gif Tilfing 30 7 80 1 * 50000 50 Skl +10, Spd +10, Mdf +20, gives Prayer skill
Fe4balmunk.gif Balmunk 30 3 90 1 * 50000 50 Skl +10, Spd +20
Fe4armourcutter.gif Armour Cutter 6 5 70 1 B 5000 50 Effective against armoured units
Fe4wingclipper.gif Wing Clipper 6 5 70 1 B 5000 50 Effective against flying units
Fe4brokensword.gif Broken Sword 0 30 30 1 A 1000 0 -
Fe4brokensword.gif Broken Sword 0 30 30 1 B 1000 0 -
Fe4brokensword.gif Broken Sword 0 30 30 1 C 1000 0 -
Fe4brokensword.gif Broken Sword 0 30 30 1 * 1000 0 -